Buzzfeed + P&G

Brushing is tedious and boring. Parents are challenged by the duration of time and how thorough of a job kids brush each day. P&G wanted to foster better brushing habits, and create independent brushers. Tooth and Dare solves all those problems by turning a chore into a game. This idea sprouted from a sprint. The “ask” was how to create brushing habits in kids. Drawing from my own experiences with my kids, Tooth and Dare was created. This game was a result from a 5 day sprint.

Brainstormed. Debated. Tested. Voted on lots of ideas.

The biggest outcome was that kids need to brush their teeth but its considered a chore. We had to make it fun. The more silly we were, the more engaged the kids were. And thats when we realized to turn brushing into a family game: a win for parents and for kids.

This product was a result of a 5 day Sprint with Buzzfeed + P&G

Product is now being sold.



