Verizon - 24 Hour Challenge

During my first week at Quirky, Apple announced the new iPhone, and Verizon wanted to be the first to market with new accessories for the updated phone. They asked Quirky to help. We did by narrowing the best ideas, designing them, and sending them out for manufacturing in 24 hours. This rapid process became a staple within the Quirky culture that not all are cut out for due to the extreme timelines to create and develop products for manufacture.


For the average Apple consumer, an iPhone dock is an accessory as essential as it is boring. While most existing docks provide an efficient place to store your phone, too many fall short on creativity. This is where Core comes in. Its base incorporates a cord management tool that winds around the device, turning a functional feature into artwork without sacrificing compactness. In addition to the syncing/charging port for the iPhone's lightning cable, Core also features a high-powered USB charge port, allowing a second device to charge. Each designer was responsible to create a product for the Verizon partnership. Through initial concept sketches, I pitched this design for Core and was voted through to take it to market in the next 24 hours.

Home Depot - 24 Hour Challenge

Home Depot wanted us to tap into our online community and ask them to submit ideas that they would actually want to hit the retail shelves. Products could range from smart cookers to clever hand tools. We sent out a call of action to our members to get thinking, so we could get building. All designers were responsible to have a working prototype and a fleshed out design concept to potentially take to market at the end of the 24 hours.


Nab is an app-enabled catch and release mouse trap. My role was to design and rapid-prototype a working model within 24 hours of the challenge. I began with quick concept sketches to convey the idea so that the digital team could work on the app while I 3D designed and then printed a functioning prototype to test with a mouse who loved all the cheese treats.

Together with the entire Product Team, we sketched, we modeled, and we hustled to bring these ideas to life. After a successful 24 hour pitch, Home Depot loved the idea collection we prototyped in which we then spent the next few months refining so that they were shelf ready and sold at Home Depot. My role was to expand on the selected ideas and direct the team on the designs so that they are consumer friendly.

To learn more about Core, go to the site located HERE.


Smart Appliances

